Advancing NUMROTO Technology to the Next Level

With the introduction of NUMROTO X, NUM is launching a new product line that upholds the exceptional standards of NUMROTO technology for our customers in the long run. This revamped software has been completely rewritten, focusing on modern technologies and flexible scalability. It not only meets demanding requirements for tool grinding but also allows for quick adaptations to evolving market demands.

Throughout the development of NUMROTO X, we have prioritized various innovative features, particularly enhancing the production of complex standard milling cutters. NUMROTO X offers an expanded array of configurable geometry elements and introduces entirely new options for production and process planning. Grinding operations and probing cycles as well as dressing and calibration processes can be organized in sequences. With the option of executing sequences from within other sequences, these can be combined as required, allowing complex production processes to be configured and still clearly displayed.

These innovations are complemented by a redesigned integrated job manager, empowering users on the machine and in work preparation with advanced production planning capabilities. Job lists can be changed and expanded “on the fly”, allowing continuous production operations.

The interface of NUMROTO X moves away from nested dialogs to scrollable areas, providing a clear display of numerous parameters. User inputs are promptly evaluated and converted into machining paths, facilitating real-time visualization of the workpiece. The innovative visualization technology delivers pixel-precise images at every zoom level, ensuring every detail is visible.

For creating new workpieces, users are supported by an extensive default value system that can be customized to match the tool range requirements.

NUMROTO X debuts with a feature set tailored for manufacturing complex standard milling cutters. This new software package boasts numerous functions and innovative solutions, with ongoing development aimed at eventually encompassing the entire functionality of NUMROTOplus. We are committed to providing our customers with proven, high-quality NUMROTO technology in the long term, which is why NUMROTOplus and NUMROTO X will be available and usable concurrently for several years.